Antitussives (Latin Tussis- cough) are the agents which act upon the pulmonary membrane that hasten or alter expectoration. These stimulate and expel the bronchial mucous or secretions and help in their removal.
The antitussives act in one of the-following ways.
1. By relieving Spasms 0f bronchial tubes e.g. opium, stromonium, lobelia.
2. By mechanically dislodging as in the act of vomitting e.g. lpecacuanha.
3. By soothing the irritative respiratory center by making expulsion painless e.g. morphine and codeine.
4. By stimulating the membrane during elimination so that expectoration is made easy e.g. senega and tolu balsam.
5. By increasing the flow from the inflamed membrane like pilocarpine and emetine.
Physiologically, cough is very useful mechanism as it serves to clear the respiratory passage of foreign material and excessive secretions.
The cough should not be surpressed unless, it does not serve any useful purpose except when sleep and rest is desired to the patient. The examples of Antitussives ephedra, vasaka, tulsi, turpentine etc.
Synonyms: Adhatoda
Biological Source: Vasaka consists of dried, as well as, fresh leaves of the plant Adhatoda vasica Nees, (Family : Acanthaceae), it contains not less than 0.6% of vasicine on dried basis.
Geographical Distribution:
Vasaka is a drug indigenous to India. lt is also found in Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Burma. it is found in Sub-Himalayan tract upto an altitude of 1000 m and is also abundantly available in Konkan (Maharashtra) .
Organoleptic Characters :
It is tall, much branched and ever-green shrub. The leaves of the large and dark green in colour. Vasaka leaves are 12 to 20 cm long, 2.5 to 5 cm width with characteristic odour and bitter taste. The margin of the leaves crenate and apex is acuminate with glabrous surface and smooth texture.
Chemical Constituents :
The leaves contain very small amount of essential oil and quinazoline alkaloids (0.5 to 1 %), such as vasicine and vasicinone. The roots, as well as, bark of the plant is also found to contain alkaloids. In addition to-the alkaloids, it contains yellow colouring matter and vasakin, a non-nitrogenous crystalline substance.
Organoleptic Characters :
It is tall, much branched and ever-green shrub. The leaves of the large and dark green in colour. Vasaka leaves are 12 to 20 cm long, 2.5 to 5 cm width with characteristic odour and bitter taste. The margin of the leaves crenate and apex is acuminate with glabrous surface and smooth texture.
Chemical Constituents :
The leaves contain very small amount of essential oil and quinazoline alkaloids (0.5 to 1 %), such as vasicine and vasicinone. The roots, as well as, bark of the plant is also found to contain alkaloids. In addition to-the alkaloids, it contains yellow colouring matter and vasakin, a non-nitrogenous crystalline substance.Uses:
It is used as an expectorant, bronchodilator and as mild bronchial antispasmodic.Vasicine is reported to possess oxytocic action. Vasicine is reported to bronchoconstrictor, whereas, its autooxidised form vasicinone is a bronchodilator.
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